AIA 2023 & 2024 Double CPD Year Selection Package

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AIA 2023 & 2024 Double CPD Year Selection Package

£199.00 (Exc. VAT)
CPD Standards Office image

Select 30 courses to provide 60 Units to cover 2023 and 2024 CPD Years

The AIA 2023 & 2024 CPD Year Package allows you to select a combination of 2023 courses and 2024 courses to provide 60 Units to cover 2023 and 2024 CPD Years.

Get enough units to cover your 2023 and 2024 CPD. 

Any 2023 courses that you choose are instantly accessible, and then, the 2024 courses will become available month by month, from January 2024.

You get access to all of your chosen courses until 30th September 2024.  

Get organised by using the Dashboad in your iCPD account to help you to plan and monitor how much CPD you have covered as the year goes by. Courses are filmed in small sections, so you can watch as much or as little as you like in any one session, thereby making it easier to tick off those required hours.

Please sign in to your account to select and buy, or Register if you have not used Instant CPD before.

Courses within this package:

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