AIA CPD 2024 Completion Package

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AIA CPD 2024 Completion Package

£105.00 (Exc. VAT)
CPD Standards Office image

11 Courses for 105GBP to complete your 2023-2024 CPD Year

With less than 4 CPD months left in your 2023-2024 CPD Year, Instant CPD is here to help!  

Select 11 Courses from the list below for £105, with access until 30th September 2024 or indefinitely, once completed. 

The AIA and Instant CPD are working together again, so that this June, you can buy access to 11 online and on-demand CPD courses for only £105(+vat where appropriate). You can watch our fully-accredited video courses anytime and anywhere that you are connected to the internet.

You select the 11 courses you want from the 2024 list below of courses and updates.  After purchasing, you will be able to access your courses instantly in your Instant CPD account. Please note that courses with the month in brackets in the title will go live by the end of that month.

Courses are presented expert lecturers such as John Selwood and Guy Loveday, and you can download accompanying Notes, Power Point Slides and Certificates of Completion.  The CPD units for each course vary, but by clicking on a course title, you can find out more.  Depending upon your selection, this package can provide you with 22+ units/hours of CPD.

All courses are accredited by the CPD Standards Office and approved by the AIA.

Just sign in to your account to buy, or Register if you have not used Instant CPD before.

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